
Always Another Mountain is a timeless story

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Life is full of obstacles and how we approach these challenges become the mountains and milestones in your life.  The inspiration of AAM through Davids story leaves you feeling like anything is attainable.  By the time you have reached the mid point of this story you will feel love an empathy for the characters, their will to survive and the pacing of living a life as defined by seizing the day and not letting CF define them but define the will to live.

Always Another Mountain is the whimsical life story of David Foster, an adventurer, an outdoors man, and a man afflicted with the debilitating lung disorder Cystic Fibrosis. This book is adapted from the screenplay and draws the reader in through film styled scene descriptions.

The story is an inspirational love story with many notes of humor that will leave you the reader with a full range of emotions. David had a passion for life and a love of the outdoors which transcended the physical limitations brought on by this incurable disease. Foster wanted to leave this world better than he found it, and wanted his life to serve as an inspiration not only for those suffering from CF, but for all of us.

This is a story that touches on triumphs and tragedies that all those afflicted with cystic fibrosis must face during their shortened lives, and specifically David Foster’s life.

“I’m just like anyone else, I just cough a little more” -DavidFoster

Preview first three chapters

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3


Most recently CNN HEALTH featured CLAIRE WINELAND who like David DEFINED her own life , lost her fight.

More than 30,000 people in the United States, more than 70,000 worldwide, have cystic fibrosis, according to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The median survival age is 40, the foundation reports, which is a great improvement from the 1950s, when surviving long enough to attend elementary school was rare. Most CF patients spend a quarter of their life in the hospital. The genetic and progressive disease creates an overabundance of mucus, which traps infections and blocks airways in the lungs. It also complicates digestion, affects the pancreas and other organs and, eventually, leads to respiratory failure. There is no cure, but dutiful breathing treatments — which eat up hours each day — can help with symptoms and complications. A double-lung transplant, when successful, can add years to a patient’s life.


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