About David

David Foster, afflicted with the debilitating lung disorder Cystic Fibrosis, had a passion for life and a love of the outdoors, which transcended his physical limitations. He worked as an Assistant Film Editor for Spelling Productions, where he met Randy Jon Morgan and Rick Tuber. Foster wanted to leave this world better than he found it, and wanted his life to serve as an inspiration not only for those suffering from CF, but for all of us.

Shortly before his deteriorating condition forced him to leave the film industry and move to Tucson, Arizona, Foster invited Randy Jon Morgan to collaborate with him on a bio-script.  At the same time, Rick Tuber also thought that David’s mountain-climbing triumphs and battle with the crippling disease would make a good film.  Master storyteller Sharidan Williams-Sotelo was asked to join in the writing and help bring it all together as they began collaborating on the screenplay.  The process began with conducting taped interviews with David, his mother, Ona, Uncle Jack (his favorite hiking companion), and David’s brother Kevin; also a victim of the same disease.  Also included in the interview series were several members of the medical community at the University of Tucson Medical Center Cystic Fibrosis Unit, where David was such a regular patient.

Uncle Jacks collage of the trips he and David took.  Low Resolution – Click to expand